The school is pleased to share the 7gifts ebook publication, by our learners.

7Gifts-ebook, 2024
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7Gifts-ebook, 2023
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Mr. Karma Tshering

1. The Status and Role of English as a Language of Administration in Bhutan.
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2. A Genre Analysis of Bhutanese Newspaper Advertisement.
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3. Language Learning Through Interaction.
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Mr. Pelden Nima

1. Ad libitum feeding triggers puberty onset associated with increases in arcuate Kiss1 and Pdyn expression in growth-retarded rats.
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2. Increase in arcuate Kiss1 and Pdyn expressions may trigger the puberty onset in female rats.
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Investiture Ceremony of students prefects for the academic session 2023-2024. 03/12/2023.


Coinciding with the 64th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, Wangbama Central School consecrated their Reconciliation Chorten on 11/11/2019. It was presided over by His Eminence Trilku Ngawang Samten.
The school initiated the project for the wellbeing of the King, Country and it's people. The school would like to thank all our donors and sponsor's for their generous supports.

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School Mess Supply-2024 | 04/06/2024

The school would like to invite interested bidders to participate for the school mess supply bidding for the academic session 2024-2025.

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School Canteen Services-2024 | 27/05/2024

The school would like to invite interested bidders to participate in the school canteen bidding for the academic session 2024-2025.

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NOTIFICATION | 06/08/2020

The is to inform all the visitors to kindly go through the notification of the school.

School Closure | 18/03/2020

In line with the government directives to close all schools and institutions in the country, the school will be closed with immediate effect till further notice. All our students will be send home today and our teachers will communicate with our students through google suite emails.

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Student Reporting 2020| 30/01/2020

This is to inform all the students and parents that the reporting date to school is on 03/02/2020. Students will have to report to school in the afternoon of 3rd February 2020 without fail.





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